Privacy Policy

This is the web site of Tucker Foltz, LLC.

Our e-mail address is:

Tucker Foltz, LLC takes the issue of privacy very seriously. We are therefore very sensitive to any concerns regarding our apps or website use.

We do not sell, rent, or in any other way disclose information collected in our apps or on this website. This includes any and all information you may provide, such as your name, company name, industry, email addresses, etc.

Our website may contain links to other websites that are owned and operated by third parties. These sites may have privacy and security policies that are different from Tucker Foltz, LLC. Tucker Foltz, LLC has no control over these sites, their use, and is not responsible for the practices and/or policies followed by these third parties. The Tucker Foltz, LLC privacy policy applies only to our apps and information gathered by this website.

If you feel that Tucker Foltz, LLC has in any way not followed this privacy policy and you wish to issue a complaint, please contact us.